Tamagawa International Preschool's Curriculum


All learning objectives are developed to meet standards consistent with, and incorporating elements of, Early Elementary curriculums in the U.K. and North
America and Australia with an investigative, student directed, learning approach.


Artist Appreciation


The program is aimed at introducing your child to artists and musicians to foster an appreciation of the Arts. The first artist we have been learning about is Pablo Picasso. After looking at his many different styles of painting, the children created their own cubist self portraits. We looked at paintings from Picasso's blue period and then afterwards the children painted there own blue pictures.


Physical Education Class


At our Physical Education class, professional early childhood gym coach guides children to enjoy building their physical strength.  All the children have been participating in the classes with lots of enthusiasm. We have been learning to stretch, jump, hop, do somersaults, walk backwards, throw a ball and lots more. Our PE program is based on Yanagisawa program, special program tailored for young children.


Center Based Learning Activities


Students learn by engaging a number of subject and theme specific activity centers designed to use materials within them to foster a meaningful, hands-on, approach to learning.


Language Arts


Children at our preschool engage in a dynamic mix of whole-group, small-group, and individual learning activities designed to enhance language awareness and foster language skills.


Our reading programs prioritize "reading readiness," utilizing a diverse range of resources including big books, storybooks, and guided readers to ignite a love for literacy.


During center time and through hands-on projects, students have the freedom to delve deeper into the concepts covered in instructional sessions, nurturing their natural curiosity and expanding their knowledge.


Assessment plays a crucial role in understanding each student's abilities. These assessment tools not only provide insights into their listening, speaking, reading, and writing capabilities but also inform our teaching methods, ensuring that we tailor instruction to meet each child's unique needs and support their ongoing progress.




Children learn with the emphasis on the use of countable, manipulative, items during instructional time and center time. This approach allows students to develop concepts in math that are appropriate to their cognitive development to allow them to move from “concrete” mathematical operations to “abstract”
operations. Resources used in instructional time include elements taken from North American classroom textbooks as well as modified Montessori modules.


Thematic Learning


At our preschool, students delve into themes that resonate with their understanding of the world around them. Through thematic learning, we captivate their interest, fostering a deeper and more enriched understanding of the subject matter.


Whether during instructional time, center activities, or dedicated project time, our thematic approach keeps students engaged and actively involved in exploring and making connections with the world they live in.